دانش آموز جدید – The New Girl in Farsi This story is about celebrating differences. Mari and her classmates are looking at Zenie the new girl in their school. Her classmates make fun of Zenie because she is different. But there is nothing bad for being different as Mari told her classmates. Soon all of …
Champa est morte de trac French version of Stage Fright. Champ and Basant are best of friends. Champ loves to sing and she sings everywhere. One day Basant has an amazing Idea and told her to sing during their Annual Day! This suggestion brings back memories to Champ where she almost faint in fear on …
पार्क में शिष्टाचार – अंतर पहचानें – The Hindi version of Manners in the park Spot the difference. This is a Hindi level 2 book from Pratham’s Storyweaver. The book illustrates the difference in observing proper manner and behavior in the park as oppose to not and not having fun. Author: C G Salamander, Illustrator: …
Semblables ou Différents ? is the French Version of Same-Same or Different? Being friends despite differences. In this story we see how Snake and Sparrow despite being different prove to themselves that they can be friends. They sort out how or in what way they are the same. Sorting and grouping are important skills in …
Chunu et Munu adorent lire is the French Version of Chunu and Munu Read, in this story we join our two protagonist as they show us how they fell in love with books. Here we can see Chunu and Munu spend their time inside the library. They discover amazing stories with wonderful pictures that astonish …