
Coral loves exploring the river. She wonders if it can take her to the ocean. Then one day she saves a rainbow fish and goes on an adventure. Is it real or all a dream? Will she ever see the rainbow fish again? Sample Text from The Ocean Dream Coral loves to explore her river. …

Reviews (1)

Goby’s Noisy Best Friend – Goby and Snap are best friends, they help each other out. Snap is a pistol shrimp and Goby is a goby fish. Snap doesn’t see very well but he makes a lot of noise. Goby wonders if he is such a good friend until she gets in trouble one day …

Reviews (8)

In Two Mice a little brown mouse encounters a computer mouse and challenges his new friend to find out what can a real mouse do and each time his new friend matches the challenge and betters. Sample Text from Two Mice One day, a little mouse climbed onto the table to explore. “Oooh, yum! This …

Reviews (3)

Every Tree Counts is a counting book with 10 different types of trees. Enjoy sharing the attributes of the different tree types with your child as you count each type of tree. Learning nature studies and counting all at once. This is a level 2 book from Pratham’s Storyweaver suited for young readers who love …

Reviews (2)

In How to Catch the Wind – STEM fun we learn how the wind is used to make electricity.  A Simple book with an easy to understand explanation of wind power. Sample Text from How to Catch the Wind – STEM fun Air is always around us. Moving air is called wind. When wind blows, …


Billy Wants it All – Billy Growing Up Series – It’s important that children learn both the purpose and value of money and how it fits into the way they will have to live when they are adults.  Parents take care of a child’s financial needs until they leave education. Food always appears on the …

Reviews (9)

In Tiger, Tiger, Where Are You, we track a tiger by the different marks it leaves. A tiger researcher is out looking for tiger hair and poop as part of his study. He finds plenty of signs of the tiger, but where is the big cat? After all, there are so many ways to see …

Reviews (5)

In Tell Me Now! – ‘Good For You’ the story tells us what is ‘good for you’ and ‘not good for you’. This is a level 1 book for children just beginning their reading journey. Author: Madhav Chavan, Illustrator: Rijuta Ghate Sample Text From Tell Me Now! – ‘Good For You’ Why should I go …


Reba badly wants ice cream, but her mum tells her to finish her homework first. She needs a new notepad and her mum sends her to the shop. The shop keeper gives her too much change. What does she do? Wind out in this short story about being honest. Sample Text from Reba Wants Ice …

Reviews (3)

In Friends Simo has four friends and they each like to do different things, what does Simo do? This short text has lots of repetition making it a nice early reader too. This is a level 1 book with simple text and lots of pictures to help children in their reading journey. Sample Text from …

Reviews (2)

Irku’s First Day Of School follows through all the activities of a day at school and Irku’s excitement at the new experiences. The book is a wordless book for children to create there own words to the pictures.         Sample images from Irku’s First Day of School <End of sample> Read the …


In Tall or Short the main character compares himself to members of his family and indicates whether they are taller or shorter. This book has lots of repitition making it a good choice for early readers. Sample Text from Tall or Short Pa is getting my hat. Pa is tall. Ma is getting my shirt. …

Reviews (2)

In My Brother and Me children can fill in the missing word in this short book about two brothers and what they do each day. Sample text from My Brother and Me This is Samir. He is in class four. This is me. I am in class one. Every morning we get ready for school. …

Reviews (2)

Ghum-Ghum Gharial’s Glorious Adventure – It’s Ghum-Ghum’s time to go for her first swim she is very excited, but when she drifts off from her family she goes on an adventure she didn’t count on. Meet all the wonderful creatures she sees on this glorious adventure. Sample text from Ghum-Ghum Gharial’s Glorious Adventure   Ghum-Ghum …

Reviews (3)

A village has many problems, a long line for water, lots of trash, dependant on food donations. They don’t address the problems until it gets very bad, then they call a meeting and decide that working together is the best solution. Author: Ursula Nafula, Illustrator: Vusi Malindi Sample Text from Decision – Working together My …

Reviews (1)
