
Search results for «french»

एक जैसे या अलग-अलग? – Hindi Story Same-Same or Different?

एक जैसे या अलग-अलग? – Hindi Story is a Level 3 story about friendship despite differences. Snake and Sparrow are two friends who do not have very much in common or so they think. Their parents warn them each day to stay away from each other. But the two of them feel sad and know …


स्वतंत्रता की ओर – Hindi Story Marching to Freedom

स्वतंत्रता की ओर – Hindi Story Marching to Freedom –  Mahatma Gandhi along with his supporters where fighting for India’s freedom. They were organizing a march that will go down in History and be known as the Salt March. The plan is Gandhi and some of the men from the ashram were going to walk through …


अरे, यह सब कौन खा गया? – Who Ate All That Up? Hindi

अरे, यह सब कौन खा गया? – Hindi Story Who Ate All That Up? Everything in the forest does not go to waste. This story explains why, from the unfinished food, elephant poop, and even the branches and leaves that have fallen onto the ground. Every animal inside the forest contributes and takes part in …


Mirame a Mi – Look At Me Spanish Level 1 Book

Mirame a mi this is the Spanish version of Look at me, a delightful book teaching children about their body parts and the fun ways to use it. This book also includes a brief explanation about the different senses and their uses. It has a lot of fun pictures showing the uses of each body …


Look At Me – Simple use of nouns and verbs about the body

Look At Me a delightful and fun story of how each body part is being used. In this book children enjoy doing things with the use of their hands, mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. This story introduces the different senses we have and the simple use of these body parts. This is a good text …


Chunu and Munu Read – Instilling a Love of Reading

Chunu and Munu Read tells the story of two girls and how they learn to love reading books, they spend their time inside the library and begin to see the wonder of books by discovering beautiful pictures, amazing stories, and knowledge they can gain through reading. Chunu and Munu Read is brought to us by …


Puedo Hacer Cosas! – Spanish Version of I Can Make Things

Puedo Hacer Cosas! is the Spanish version of the short English story I Can Make Things. This is a Spanish Level 1 book brought to us by Pratham’s Story Weaver. This book tells the story of a boy who can make a lot of things. He can draw his mother and sister, He can also …


I Can Make Things! – English Level 1 Story

I Can Make Things! An English Level 1 book from Pratham’s Storyweaver, this is a story of a boy who can make many things. He can draw his mother and Sister but he is told of somethings he cannot do like drawing on the wall. He can do a lot of amazing things that his …


El Rey Gordo y el Perro Flaco – Fat King Thin Dog Spanish

El Rey Gordo y el Perro Flaco – Fat King Thin Dog Spanish version tells the story of how the fat king chases the thin dog. After running for days will he still be fat? A short fun book for young children. This is a Level 1 English book from Pratham’s Storyweaver, Level 1 book is …


सारी गलती उस बिल्ली कि है – a Hindi Story

Hindi story सारी गलती उस बिल्ली कि है – a Hindi story book based on the English story It’s All The Cat’s Fault, The book tells a fun story of how a boy loses his homework, and blames the cat, is it really the cat’s fault. Come read and see what really happened, in this iclassic variation …


¡Todo por culpa de la gata! – It’s All The Cat’s Fault in Spanish

¡Todo por culpa de la gata! Spanish version of It’s All The Cat’s Fault tells the funny story about a boy who was not able to submit his homework because of the cat. This is a classic variation of “the dog ate my homework”. Read and see if the cat is really at fault in this story. …


Hormigas Ocupadas – Busy Ants Spanish Level 1

Hormigas Ocupadas – Busy Ants Spanish version tells the story about these amazing little creatures and how besides being small gives them an advantage on collecting food. Let us follow them and see how they go about their lives day by day. This book is one of the four books in the ‘Animals Around Us’ …


Busy Ants – English Level 1 Pratham Books

Busy Ants – In this story we follow the ants as they show us what magnificent little creature they are. This book will keep your young readers entertained as they learn all about how busy the ants are and what they do, and more and us have in common. This book is one of the …


Behind the Lie – A story about domestic violence and the importance of talking to someone

Behind the Lie tells a tale of a family living with domestic violence, find out how they manage to work out a way to share their problem without making things worse. This book shares knowledge to support domestic violence victims with practical advice told in a very easy to understand way, and also helps all …

Talking in Twos – Binary Language

Talking in Twos – is about the computer language of binary, how it is being used in computer programming and how specific machines follow instructions. A perfect introduction to binary for children, the book explains how even the monitor that you are looking at right now uses 1s and 0s, to determine how bright the …


Magozwe Finds a Home

Magozwe Finds a Home is a story about a orphan named Magozwe. Magozwe’s parents died when he was young, so Magozwe end up living on the street for some time. Then finally, when it seems all is almost lost, he finds a home. Despite of the difficulties in his life, he strives to work and …


The Other Way – A book of opposites

The Other Way is a book full of opposites, suitable for very young children or children learning to read. This is also a nice book for beginner readers, pairing the opposite adjectives or prepositions, with a related noun. This is a level one book from Pratham Books. See more books from Pratham in our Pratham-Storyweaver …


Family Friendly Recipes – Kids in the Kitchen

In Family Friendly Recipes – Kids in the Kitchen, the Guelph Family Health Study puts together some great tips for cooking with children of all ages, along with providing some great healthy recipes for families. Children are great imitators they see their parents as role model and often want to follow what their parents are …


My Best Friend – short story with imagination

In My Best Friend, we see how imagination and dreams can make something feel real. A young girl plays with her mirror image, but the image doesn’t talk back, until she falls asleep. This picture book is perfect for early readers and toddlers. Another great book from pratham and storyweaver Author: Anupa, Lal Illustrator: Suvidha …


Pepper and Carrot Episode 14 PDF- The Dragon’s Tooth

Pepper and Carrot Episode 14 PDF Another amazing episode in the Pepper and Carrot comic, in The Dragon’s Tooth Pepper comes up with a novel solution for a problem, but is it the right problem she’s solving to begin with? This comic with the beautiful illustrations and endearing characters is brought to us in Creative …
