
What’s The Best Costume – A rhyming book about self appreciation

What’s the Best Costume covers a costume party for the animals, some animals choose to dress up and some don’t, no matter what, the underlying message is to be proud of who you are, you are unique and you are you.

Another great rhyming book with a moral brought to us by Yan Li. See Yan Li’s other book about being tidy available free on our site here:

By: Yan Li



Sample Text From Who’s the Best Costume?

Allie is a little kitty cat
Who cooks and wears a chef’s hat.

What she loves most is baking.
Can you guess what she’s making?

She shapes dough into balls, stars, or squares.
She decorates her cookies with faces or bears.


Allie’s smiley face cookies are the best.
They taste better than all the rest!

All Allie’s neighbors love her cookie’s sweet crunch.
They eat them with breakfast or dinner or lunch.

Each cookie is baked with love and a smile,
which makes their hearts happy for a really long while.



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