Graca’s Dream – The Story Of Graca Machel – The inspiring story of Graca Machel’s dream for proper education for the children of Mozambique, and her unwavering dedication to instil a love of reading and learning in the new generations in her country and the African continent. Another great creative commons book from bookdash.
Sample Text From Graca’s Dream – The Story Of Graca Machel:
Graça was about to be born in a small village in Mozambique. The country was poor and the people did not yet rule themselves. Children didn’t have good schools and many couldn’t read. Graça’s mother dreamed of giving her children better opportunities. But without education there was little hope.
Baby Graça would be the sixth child. But with this joyous event there was great sadness. Their beloved father was dying. He dreamed that his youngest daughter would go to a good school. He knew that education would give her opportunities he never had. His family
promised to make their dad’s dream come true.
Just weeks after their dad died, the new baby was born.
She was given a name to match the beauty and blessing that she was – Graça.
As the years passed, Graça brought much joy to her family and they kept the promise made to their father.
Graça would have a good education.
<End of Sample Text From Graca’s Dream – The Story Of Graca Machel>
About BookDash:
Bookdash is an African non-profit organisation dedicated to creating good quality children’s books in creative commons. There mission is to ensure all children have access to good books.
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Awesome Story
bad brad was bad at first but then became nice . so I like the story because it good and bad at the same time
Inspiring,Calming,Nice before bedtime!
Awesome Story