calming manatee

A Calming Manatee is about being beautiful, and more importantly what real beauty is. It is about how it’s more important what you think of yourself than what others think of you. It’s also about how important it is to be kind. The book is aimed at teaching young children about loving themselves and others, …

Reviews (27)
The Magic Powder - A folktale from Myanma

In The Magic Powder, a delightful folktale from Myanmar with a very important lesson, a young man studying alchemy finds out how to turn earth into gold by following the advice of his wise father in law. Another great free story from Pratham and Storyweaver. Author: Greystroke Illustrator: P.G. Dinesh     Text and Images …

Reviews (8)
Snail Carpenter - Children's Story

The Snail Carpenter tells a tale of striving for a dream. With a big enough heart, and a strong will, even the smallest of snails can become a great carpenter. In this story, The Snail-Carpenter will teach you how you can succeed at everything you do. By: Ognjen Livada     Text and Images from The …

Reviews (6)
The Jealousy Germ - CC Picturebook

There’s a germ in the bakery shop, and he’s not a good germ. He’s spreading his jealousy disease amongst all the ingredients. Olive oil is jealous of butter, salt of sugar, and sugar of salt, each thinks the other is stealing the limelight, and no one wants to share. How far will the jealousy germ …

Reviews (12)
princess storybook about compassion

In this princess storybook about compassion and friendship, Princess Helena learns about the importance of friendship and compassion. Princess Helena feels she has an incredibly troubled life. She has all the toys and clothes she could ever want, but she is incredibly sad. One day, everything changes, when she goes through a hole in the …

Reviews (2)
a girl's holocaust survivor tale

Bronia and the Bowls of Soup is a short tale of a young girl’s experience growing up in the ghettos and concentration camps in Poland and Germany. Bronia is a normal Jewish kid at Grade school in Poland, her family owns a small clothing shop and life is stable and happy. by Aaron Zerah As …

Reviews (10)
Raj the rambling radiator boodle bods cover

Raj is a radiator, but he cares a lot about all his friends. He wants to make everyone warm. Tim the tea towel gets a bit cold, and the pink flamingo loses an egg, flip a doodle, let’s not let the egg get cold! This exciting tale is a short fun read, with an important …

Reviews (2)
costume party book about being unique

What’s the Best Costume covers a costume party for the animals, some animals choose to dress up and some don’t, no matter what, the underlying message is to be proud of who you are, you are unique and you are you. Another great rhyming book with a moral brought to us by Yan Li. See Yan …

Reviews (7)
Children's book about being different

In Why is Nita Upside Down, a children’s book about being different, we learn important lessons about the value of being proud of who you are and that everyone is different. This book is created by Bookdash, a non-profit organisation dedicated to getting books into every child’s hands. By: Emma Hearne, Roxana Bouwer, Sarah Bouwer …

Reviews (29)
parenting book about values

Helping Your Child Become a Responsible Citizen is a parenting book about values, which provides helpful advice for parents about introducing concepts of empathy, respect, and civil responsibility. This is a book produced by the US department of education for parents. This booklet provides information about what you can do to help your child develop …

Reviews (2)