Categories: Age 6-9 years, All FKB Books, Children, English Language, Grade 1 to Grade 3, Non-Fiction
This is a Grade 1 ELA Activity book for learning grammar. The activities include ordering words in a sentence, forming questions, suffixes “ing” and “ed”, plurals, contractions, compound words, a and an, ownership, and alphabet order. This is a great activity book for school or homeschool use, or for extra homework to improve skills at …
The Big Grammar book which is brought to us by Banana English is a bumper book of ESL printables and beginner English worksheets. Suitable for grades 1 to 3 and for beginner ESL learners, the book covers common tenses and words along with may other topics and includes answers. This book is also available in …
Categories: All FKB Books, English Language, Grade 7+, Intermediate English, Public Domain, Young Adult
American Teens Talk is a book of interviews with plain ordinary, multi-cultural teenagers in the USA. The book was created by the US State Department’s Office of English Language Programs. A great way for new English speakers to understand every day language, and improve their English comprehension skills. Here’s what the compiler has to say: …
Fables is an activity workbook based on a collection of folk tales and fables written for a grade 1 level. This is a workbook based on the reader Fables, also available on our site. This grade 1 workbook is packed full of reading comprehension exercises, writing, and word/sound learning exercises suitable for Grade 1 and …
The Job Hunt is an early chapter book, designed to be read in installments for a grade 2 class. This fun fictional story involves a seven year old boy and his older sister who is at college and looking for a job for her summer vacation. The book includes an English worksheet activity book, suitable …
This ELA activity book is suitable for Grade 2 English First Language students and can be used for developing grammar in English Second Language students who have already developed an understanding of the language. The book contains 29 different grammar activities, each one of the 29 topics contains a Guided Practice (“GP”) exercise and an …
Categories: English Language, Files, Learning to Read
This is a Spelling and Writing Workbook covering some of the early phonics items from the UK G1 syllabus, in editable (OpenOffice, extension .odt) version (the PDF version can be found on FKB files page, here: ). The file includes CVC word lists for short vowel sounds, stories to read in three and four letter …
The comma, the full stop, the exclamation point and the question mark all live together in a book. Is there enough room for all of them? This is a fun story and helpful for children to remember where the punctuation marks go in a sentence, suitable for early grades learning about using punctuation. The story …
This ELA Activity Book is a book packed full English activities, each with a set of worksheets to learn and master the aspect of English grammar. The book contains 21 different grammar activities, each one of the 21 topics contains a Guided Practice (“GP”) exercise and an Activity Sheet (“AS”) exercise. These books can also …