In Uncle Uh-Oh from Kanika G, a grouchy old man moves in to a new neighbourhood full of children. He snaps at the kids there a few times and they are terrified of him. He doesn’t talk to anyone, no one even knows his name. “Uh-oh! Here he comes.” the kids start to say when they see him. Eventually they start calling him Uncle Uh-Oh
Then one day, a month later, the most surprising thing happens. A man comes to the neighbourhood from far-far away to meet Uncle Uh-Oh. He tells the most incredible stories about Uh-Oh. He used to be a kind man who loved kids and taught them all sorts of interesting things. Then what could have happened, to make him such a grouch? It’s a mystery. Will the kids be able to figure it out and help him be friendly again? Read on to find out.
The amazing illustrations, which supplement the text, (as an early chapter book, not a picture book), are done by a talented 8 year old girl named Mishti Shah.
This book will bring a tear to your eye, and help teach an important safety lesson on looking, listening, and reinforcing safety rules, and on not judging people before getting to know them.
With 19 pages, approximately 4195 words, and three chapters, this book is perfect for an early chapter book for developing readers in lower middle grades (grade 3 to 5 or ages 7-10 reading levels). The topic also will suit their growing emotional development well, however it is a beautiful story for readers of all ages.
Sample Text from Uncle Uh-Oh.
The Grumpy Old Man (Chapter 1)
“Uh-Oh! Here he comes!” Mahesh whispered to Rahul. “Lets get out of here.”
Rahul nodded, and the two cycled away together as fast as possible. They ran in to Payal and warned her about Uncle Uh-Oh.
Nobody knew his real name, but that’s what the kids called him. A bespectacled, grey haired, clean shaven man, had moved in to the neighbourhood a month ago, but he spoke to no one. Kids, in particular, annoyed him. He shooed them away if they happened to be anywhere in his vicinity.
The kids were sad when uncle Mathur, who always had a smile for them and often slipped them toffees, moved to America, to spend more time with his grandchildren, who were growing up there. Then they saw Uncle Uh- Oh move in. When they saw him tending to the garden, left behind by uncle Mathur with such a loving expression on his face, they were sure he would be just as nice as uncle Mathur.
But as they hovered near the fence, hoping to be offered the last batch of good guavas, the tree would bear that year, they were shocked to hear him growl. “What are you all doing here? Go away to your homes. Don’t you dare touch my garden. Shoo! Scram.”
He sounded so stern and nasty, that the kids never approached the garden again. But, he even yelled at the poor kids cycling on the streets. Once, while he was on his way to the market, Nidhi went to fetch a soccer ball, that had fallen right in front of him. The children were surprised to see him bend to pick up the ball. But, when he handed it to Nidhi, she looked frightened, and he walked away in a huff.
“What happened Nidhi?” Rahul was concerned.
“I don’t know. He had such a strange look on his face. First I thought he was glaring at me, but his eye’s were fixed on the ball. Then he looked at me so angrily, as he gave me the ball. The man is crazy!”
<End of Page 1>
If you liked Uncle Uh-Oh, see more books from Kanika G here:
Also check out the Tania Series from Kanika G:
See more books by Kanika G below

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This is the best book like l mean 2 books l read of yours l reply good things and there good books
Great Book! It was a wonderful story that teaches compassion and kindness.
Read this with your child.
thanks book fan 😉
Yes, it was kinda long for a bedtime story but over all hood.
Hi Ely, I don’t think it was meant exactly for a bedtime story, although it depends on the age and maturity of the children, there is some tragic parts – I would rather suggest a book for school reading in/by a group, where discussion can be brought forward. There are lots of interesting sub-topics involved.
i agree with Danielle. though my daughter likes it as a bed time story so she can put off going o sleep for longer.
Thanks cam. Glad you enjoyed it.
i like this book bacuse it is funny and i like strberrys and exticed and .
Thanks Erin. I love strawberries too. And it was strawberry season when i was writing this story.
hello zuri its me garyonna how i fell about thell book good but its should been longer thats why i fell about the book its great
Thanks Garyonna. i always want every book I like to be longer, but stories do have to end. fortunately there are many more.
i like this this is fun to pass to my next grade
Thanks Michelle. Glad you enjoyed it.
i hate my class teacher
Hey – I’ve had teachers I did not like before, it really sucks 🙁 🙁 . If it is really bad, perhaps you can talk to your Dad or the principal about getting a transfer to another class? BTW I am a teacher myself, and we always try to match students and teachers for maximum benefit, it is really important – nothing to do with good or bad teachers – just the right fit for the student. good luck!
its funny i my dady read this to me when i was 6 its was amaizing,
its great it help you know stuff and its funny.
Reply Editor (Danielle): Garyonna, your typing and spelling is great for a 6 year old! As is your understanding, I think the book is meant for a slightly older audience, that is awesome that you liked it, well done!
Thanks Garyonna. Glad you liked it.
CONGRATS Misht, Your book its really beautiful, Im Brazilian and I like very much !! Very good!
Thanks Marcos for appreciating my daughter’s work. this motivation will keep her going.
I loved this book for my 7 year old brother. he was excited about the story
Thanks GG. So nice to hear about kids who like my stories. makes my day 🙂
no it was horrible because it DOESN’T HAVE MANY PICTURES for me
Sorry you did not enjoy it, but it wasn’t meant to be a picture book. It is a chapter book with the emphasis on the story. The pictures definitely make it nicer and Mishti did a great job. But sorry if you were misled in to expecting more illustrations.
Many fantastic free online children’s books are available to read at Children’s Storybooks Online.
Yes – Magickeys has some nice online books. I am hoping to get in touch with them one of these days! WE also hope to hear more about your books soon. Danielle
Thank you very much
My pleasure. I appreciate you leaving a comment.
A good book I like it
Thank you. So kind of you to leave your feedback.
I loved this book, it really brought tears to my eyes, especially as a mother, one can’t think of the unthinkable tragedy, and I don’t want to spoil the suspense here, but also from a safety and prevention point of view, it highlights some really important lessons that can spark debate with your children about safety, awareness of dangers when they are playing, listening and looking out. Sometimes things happen that are just plain accidents as did to Uncle Uh-Oh, but we also need to teach our children about safety awareness and accident prevention as early as possible, this is a great book to talk about following rules, and about awareness of dangers.
Thanks Danielle. Your encouragement and feedback has helped me blossom as a writer.
Reply: Kanika, you just made my day! I am so happy I have been helpful 🙂 …
Hi , I am the mother of Mishti Shah – the illustrator of the story ” The Mysterious Uncle Uh-Oh” by Kanika G. Thanks a lot for mentioning her name in the write up.
Editor (Danielle): Aesha, you’re welcome, please give her my congratulations for her illustrations, and for now being a “published illustrator”! We hope to hear (see) more from her in the future.
sure Danielle! She is thrilled and is motivated to keep up her passion for drawing and painting .